"The best things in life are free" or so the saying goes... I'd like to add that the BEST things in life are SHARED. As I learned in Seattle, California and New York, I am pretty content with doing things on my own, but it is soooo many thousands times better when I do things with someone else. Today I watched Eclipse and afterwards I lunched and went "window-shopping" at the Mall (the Gateway here in SLC). It was nice to walk around, looking at people, finding cute clothes, lotion samples and so on, but it would have been so much more fun to have had any of my friends there with me. So, here are some warm thoughts sent out across the communication tapestry to all my dear friends, I miss you and love you all however different and far apart me might be, rest assured, I think of you often and wish you were with me!
Recently I've run out of stuff to read, all my favorite authors seem to be on hiatus' so I've gone back to the REALLY OLD SCHOOL. We're talking the Anne of Green Gable's Series, and it's struck me that I am quite a strange soul, a little like Anne in some ways.... I do not have her lovely red hair, and I might not live in a place as romantic and fit for imagining as the Prince Edward Island (I still dream of visiting there some day).... but I do have a lot of imagination. Reading these books again is like the visit of a dear friend or even a sister... I love my Anne, red hair, freckles and all!
(This is to explain some rather Anne'ish posts I am sure is to come!)
Onwards, the WORLD CUP (Football) has occupied my attention lately, and though I started out rooting for England, my favor has now shifted to the lovely Oranje, the Dutch! It looks like there will be a very exciting finale on Sunday and I will be plastered in front of the TV to watch..... Next World Cup would be fun to share with someone!
Another "past-time" activity (read:work) that has been done lately is garden work..... Heidi has had me work both in our backyard and at her rental property. We have been dirty, sweaty and some days rather sun burned, but there's also the hint of a tiny tan on my body.... I'm VERY excited!!! I don't tan easily, (thank's Norwegian ancestry!) Pictures will follow as soon as I can remember to bring my camera outside with me.... But we have dug out trees, transplanted grass (lawn parts), clipped bushes and trees, planted flowers, spread bark, dreamed of green and leafy bushes, planned redoing of sprinkler systems, watered, clipped, weeded, edged, dreamed of herb gardens (okay, that's been mostly me.....), laid stepping stones, dreamed of raised flowerbeds, shopped for flowers & plants, watered, brought the dead (grass) back to life and I'm sure I'm forgetting something.... (lol) but gardening we have! As I said.... pictures to follow....
Well the night has now fallen, I've worked on this post (off-and-on) for the better part of three hours and need to go to bed...
Goodnight moon, celestial diamonds and peaceful summer breeze...