Monday, March 22, 2010

Planet Earth

Mary and I have been watching the Planet Earth series lately, and it is affecting both of us. There is so much to learn yet about this wonderful Earth we live on, and there are so many amazing places and creatures!!!!! I also know that global warming is a "heated" subject, but here is some of my two cents... whether or not the warming part is created by us humans (I believe it is..) the fact is that we are ruining the habitats for so many animals with our destructive and selfish ways, and it will end up affecting us ALL in the end. It is such an intricate balance and I truly believe as humans we have responsibility to be the responsible ones who are the preservers of the balance not the destructors....

phew, well that was good to get off my chest.... now it's back on the couch for me (I'm sick again with a nasty throat infection!!!) and my date with David Attenborough! (He is the narrator of the show).

I also found out that Matt Damon (yum!!) is narrating another series about the planet, so I'm going to get that from the library as well.... hi hi hi...

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