Wednesday, April 7, 2010


The Saturday before easter I was invited to spend the afternoon with some friends I hadn't seen in a while. It was great, and it reminded me of how great Blogging and all these new social networks are, though I had not seen some of these my friends in 10 years, it felt to me like it had been only a few months. Even though I had not met my friends' kids I could pick them out and tell who they were because I have seen their pictures and read about them and their stories. I don't think the internet and it's social network will EVER take the place of human contact, I think it is a great way of staying connected and building the bonds to last for ever. And for me at least... Love is so strong that it can connect even through the "net". Feelings are just as strong to me reading someone's comment or blog as if we were speaking face to face. And I felt that love on Saturday as well.

Thank you Joyce and Wynn for raising such wonderful children! And thank you Matt and Jared for going on missions and touching peoples lives. I love you all so much and am so happy to be part of your lives even if it is through facebook or blogging or myspace or just plain emailing! ;)

1 comment:

kimi + joe said...

Hi lady, I love the new springing blog background. Glad you enjoyed Easter - it's one of my most favorite holidays.