Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Yup, this is going to be a bragging blog... why? 'cause I CAN!!! lol

Usually I take the kids to school in the morning. We are almost always in a hurry, but I haven't had them late one day yet!!! "(a fact I am not just a little proud about) So then after the teacher comes and gets them, I sigh a big sigh and then I take some time to look around, chat with the other parents etc.

Then, in the afternoon, the mayhem starts all over again. The parents line up outside the school yard waiting for the guard to come open the gates, we all push to get in (although I am not sure why, we usually have 5 min. before the teachers lead the kids out, for us to get them.) On days where the weather is nice, I take the kids to hang out in the adjourning playground for a few minutes. They play, I chat... Well, here comes the point of today's blog ;) Yesterday, I was looking around for D. and I saw this man sitting by the flag pole chatting with another mom and her kid. I thought to myself "wow, that guy looks exactly like that one guy, from that one show with Michael J. Fox" (not very original, I know, but that is sometimes how my brain works. Lately I can't remember names to save my life... but I degress..) So I turn to another mom next to me and asks if that man really is who I think it is... AND IT WAS!!!! I thought, wow that is so cool... here is this seasoned actor, must make pretty good money, he's typecast, but also funny and his latest show is a hit, so I don't think he's running out of stuff to do anytime soon.. and here he is at his kids' school, waiting for them to play with their friends... he could probably have hired nannies up the whazzou, but there he sits, talking to the other parents/nannies, kissing boo-boo's, taking time to be a "normal" parent. (whatever that is! lol)

Well I couldn't just pull out my camera (that now has permanent recidence in my bag) and snap away at the guy... but thank heavens for the internet... here's my famous dad....

He is Richard Kind. I am sure you know him from Spin City (that's where I remembered him from), Mad About You or Curb your Enthusiasm. Anyways... my claim to fame... our kids go to the same school... (well... mine aren't... you know... mine) Also, I found out, Cynthia Nixon's kids go to the same school, but I haven't seen her yet...

Then last night I went to an event at Barnes and Noble, with Det. Munch!!!! More on that tomorrow!

I see stars all around... lol

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