Saturday, November 10, 2012

Season End

My poor little firescape garden took a bit of a whopping from the Frankenstorm we had here in NYC, I lost a couple of (mostly) dead plants, and many of the others wilted or drowned. And the squirrels have been back kicking up the soil and gnawing on the roots... (Grrrrrrr)

A few days ago however, I had a welcomed visitor!!! The guy below was too scared however and didn't sit still long enough for me to catch a picture, so I had to borrow this one.
So my mint is probably the only plant that will survive the winter, the elements and those nasty furries, but, that's okay I think!!

Update: I am thankful for nature, even just the tiny little piece of it that I have on my balcony, and the beauty and diversity of birds, animals and nature.

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