Monday, November 12, 2012

Nursery lesson

Today was my turn to teach the lesson in Nursery. I wanted to do something out of the ordinary, because we have some really hyper kids who have issues sitting still and/or paying I decided to make up my own lesson. I based it on the song "Jesus wants me for a sunbeam" and here is my lesson: (though in actuality it got even more abbreviated)
 Jesus wants me for a Sunbeam
Doctrine and Covenants 88: 7 
This is the light of Christ. As also he is in the sun, and the light of the sun, and the power thereof by which it was made.

The Lord helped make the sun. (show picture of the sun, let one child hold it, next to me)
This is a very important gift he has given us. Not only does the sun keep us warm, grow our food, and give us light it also gives our earth life. The sun gives allot of service to the earth. In this lesson we will learn some of the many ways the sun serves us.
The sun makes the seasons. (Show pix of the seasons)
Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall
The sun makes the rain. (show picture of rain, make "rain" hand gestures)
The sun sends out allot of heat, this heat helps the earth in many ways. The sun warms the water on the earth and makes rain.
The sun makes the wind and the waves. (show pix, make waves w hands)
The heat from the sun also warms the air around the earth and the ground of the earth. When the wind hits water it pushes the water in front of it, if the wind is large enough it can cause some beautiful waves.
The sun makes rainbows. (Show pic of Rainbow)
The sun gives us allot of gifts. All of these gifts are important to the earth. The sun helps the earth have seasons, wind, rain, rainbows, and many other things. I am thankful for all the gifts the sun gives to me.
How can you be like the sun? (ask kids)
What gifts can you give to others? How can you help others? What are your talents? How can you share your talents with others? (this part might be too hard for the age-group)
I know you have a lot of ways you can help and give to others. I know that when you service you earn happiness back. I know that giving, helping others, and service is important. The more you give the more you will feel happy. Giving is a magic way of making everything better. Like the sun, everything around the sun is improved because of all it gives. You can be a sunbeam by giving to others like the sun gives to you.
Sing "Jesus wants me for a Sunbeam"

Physical Activity: Color paper plates, adults cut out middle for little "masks" or "halo's" for kids to use as  they become little "suns"  :)
Mostly the lesson/activity went well... The kids did not sit much still, nor pay much attention... but it's a work in progress, and at least I think they felt like they were participating, and they all enjoyed being little
And my goal really was for the kids to remember this lesson when they got home, which I think they did... (I hope)

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