Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Varied Tastes

I'm a bit of an eclectic when it comes to taste of music, books, films and other such interests....

PARTICULARLY when it comes to music... for example, I LOOOOVED the 80's puffy rock, the nineties Hard (and somewhat alternative) Rock, but I am absolutely in LOVE with Classical music, and Opera in particular. I remember as a little girl I would watch the New Year Concert from Wien with my grandmother each New Years day and I would stand behind a chair, do little ballet poses, swing with the Waltz and practice my opera... you see I was going to be an opera singing ballerina!! Fortunately in my life, I've been able to surround myself with friends who actually managed to become Opera singers, and I enjoy their talents immensely! :) (needless to say that didn't happen for me... either of them...)

Last night I was able to attend a recital at one of our neighbors' of one of my dear friends singing with two of her co-students who are getting their Doctorates at the University of Utah in Vocal Performance (correct me if I'm wrong Erin!)

And boy was it a fantastic way to spend the evening! (Not to mention the yummy treats afterward!!!) These ladies are sooo talented and it was such a pleasure to see the relationship between the three singers and also with their accompanist. The program was magnificently put together with varied yet comparable songs, from a handful of composers. There was even a piece by George Gershwin and one by Stephen Sondheim!! :) (For those not in the "know", they are not generally considered Opera composers.. though there is certainly debates about it.. )

Anywho, I was going somewhere with this, but it's after one in the morning and the conclusion to this post has left me a long time ago... so here is the substitute ending...It was a fun evening, with wonderful Opera music, the end ;)

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