Friday, June 3, 2011

Marjorie Morgan Gray Wagstaff

Today I said goodbye to an old friend.

Marge or Gramma Marge as she was also called was a cankerous, grumpy, outspoken, beautiful and kind generous woman.

She was born in Salt Lake City, UT. in April 1914 and was 97 when she died. She passed away in her sleep, in the wee morning hours, last sunday and it was not wholly unexpected as she'd been feeling a little "off" for a week.

She had a quick wit and a bright and winning personality and was loved by many. Me included. I was fortunate to be able to spend some time caring for her in her home and she could make me smile and laugh like no one else. Even when she was in pain or uncomfortable, her focus was elsewhere.

Marge was a great lady and a beautiful person (fitting, as she was a beautician). She took me in and loved me with open arms, and I am a better person for having known her.
The funeral today was lovely.. funny, sharp and a little sad. Not because Marge had died, but more because she has left us behind.

A great life lived and continues on elsewhere. Thanks for your love Marge!

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