Sunday, June 19, 2011


You might want to think about your Life History again. You can add more to your life history in one-hour increments. Try one of the following options. When you finish a project, make a clean copy and put it in your file/folder/binder.

  • Write a story about an event in your childhood. The story doesn't have to have earthshaking significance; it just has to mean something to you. Begin like this: "I remember when I was seven...." You will be amazed at what you remember!
  • Elaborate on any of the topics in the first history. Add the details you had to skip before.
  • Perhaps you have already written some stories about your life and your family. Locate them and add them to your files.
  • Add photographs to your history. Seeing the faces and places described in the text can help it come alive. You can purchase archival-quality pages to hold photographs; or copies of your photographs can be made on a copy machine and include in your documents.
  • Write down your testimony. Schedule a special time and seek the Spirit of the Lord.
  • How about a romance chapter? Write the story of your courtship, engagement, wedding and honeymoon.
  • Write some memories of your children. Reminisce on their babyhood and the cute things they said and did.
  • Write about yourself as you see yourself. How do you feel and what do you think? Describe yourself, not just physically, but with the other interesting details: that you cry over sentimental movies, love baseball and hate beets... ;p
  • Write about your best Christmas, summer vacation or annual family outing; write about any holiday or vacation for that matter.
  • Make lists, for example what are your favorite foods? What is your favorite TV show?
  • Write about items in your home that have a special meaning to you. If your son cut his teeth on the back of a chair, write about it. And mention any furniture handed down to you from a loved one.
  • Write a one page annual update of the highlights of the past year.
  • Make a fancy for for your documents, add index tabs, or think up more topics. (On a personal note, I would add getting letters and notes from other family members about the same times/details you are writing about... for example does your little sister remember you feeding the do your dinner also?)

Gradually, you will write a life history rich in detail. But don’t think about that. For now,  have fun in just one hour :p

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