For more see also this blog by Liz Schubert...
More Peregrine falcon facts
- Scientific name: Falco peregrinus (In Latin, peregrinus means wandering.)
- Distribution: Cosmopolitan, but mainly in arctic to temperate regions
- Status: Formerly listed by the U.S. government as endangered, but recently delisted
- Life span: 10 to 12 years; 20 years in captivity
- Length: 10 to 20 inches (females are larger than the males)
- Wingspan: 36 to 45 inches (females are larger than the males)
- Weight: 1 pound 4 ounces to 2 pounds 12 ounces
- Plumage: In most plumages, the dark head appears hooded; slate grey-backed (dark brown-backed as juvenile) with cream-colored underparts, thick dark "mustache" (malar) mark below eye
- Eyesight: Up to eight times better than human vision
- Song: In protest, a loud, rapidly-repeated "kak, kak, kak"
- Flight speed: Clocked at 175 to 200 mph in vertical stoop or when diving from great heights upon prey
- Appearance in flight: Active flight is with shallow, but stiff and powerful wingbeats; soaring is on flat wings and a widely fanned tail; gliding is with wings level or with writs below the body and the wingtips up
- Abundance and seasonal status: Nests in Utah; occasionally seen during fall migration and sometimes is a winter resident
- Nesting habits: Tall, sheer cliff faces, often within 14 miles of water; occasionally on bridges, buildings and towers
- Number of eggs in clutch: Typically three to four
- Wintering habits: Southern North America, Central America and South America
- Food: Almost exclusively birds, nearly always caught in mid-flight; fledglings often chase after and catch flying insects, such as dragonflies
- Factors responsible for decline: Pesticides, habitat loss, pollution, poisoning and shooting
- Factors responsible for recovery: The ban in the use of the pesticide DDT in 1972 is believed to have contributed significantly to the recovery; in recent years, the outlook for the birds improved enough that they have been delisted from the federal endangered species list.
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