Thursday, March 13, 2008

Tv shows, VENTING.....

So I've been watching a few shows lately (all my hobby stuff is in storage in Salt Lake....), and I just have to vent and voice my opinions.....

First of all, "Moment of Truth" is a disgusting show that should be taken off the air!!! Why do we watch this CRAP that is only disrupting and sad. People leaving their dirty laundry out to dry, and some big guys make money on discrediting and distroying our society. Because that is what this show and others like it does. It does absolutely NOTHING for our morale, and it holds our private lives in contempt! Yeah so people go on there, no one is being threatened to tell anyone anything, but the point is, we are so caught up in sensational journalism, and I think it STINKS!!!!

Now, that said, one show I really like and have gotten a little hooked on is "Deal or No Deal". Howie Mandell is FUNNY and quirky, and these people who go on there are CRAZY!!!! But it's funny to watch, and the best is, if the contestant loose or doesn't get away with a deal, you are no worse off.... :)

And then there is "The View"..... which I started watching when Rosie was still on, and I loved it. I thought it was funny, interesting, they dealt with informative subjects, and there was humor, a lot of laughing.... Now, off course, with Rosie there it was still filled with controversy, but I didn't feel it was derogative and a big mess.... Now, I LOVE Whoopie Golberg, but with her and Sheri as the two new co-hosts, I feel there is just too much BLABBER...... and half the time I can't make out what anyone says, because they all talk at the same time and they all talk so fast. And I also can't stand Ms. Hasselbeck... she is just too liberal, to me she comes of as "holier than thou" and with an "I know what's real/right/WHATEVER, and everyone else don't".
Joy Behar is still a joy, but unfortunately she doesn't get her two cents in hardly at all, and it is a shame because she is really funny! So I am waiting for Elizabeth to get really sick or have another looooong nice time off...... Then maybe I'll be back for more View :) In the meantime, I am losing interest fast...

Next, "American Idol". This week they did Beatles, Paul McCartney and John Lennons' songbook.... I was worried and a little scared that nobody was going to do anything good. But there were some that stood out to me. My new faves are Chikezie and Amanda Overmeyer. Chikezie did an especially fantastic version of a song most artists wouldnt touch with thongs if their lives depended on it.... So Cudos to him for pulling it off!!!!!
And I like Amanda, but I think she should now try to show some more versatility in her performances... she's great, but she needs to show that she can do different things... be more "colorful" :)

A good familyshow I think everyone should watch, is "Are you smarter than a 5th grader" It's clean, funny, and it's funny to see grownups being outsmarted by kids!!! Jeff Foxworthy is hilarious, the kids are charming, and the contestants are just great. My particular favorite is when they have celebrities on.... nothing funnier!!!!!

Finally, my absolutely favorite has been for a long time now and will probably for a long time, Rachael Ray rocks my mornings, and inspires me in so many ways. It is another clean show, great for families, young and old alike. It's a great mix of funny, educational, informative, competitive and let's all be honest here, who doesn't love a show about food!!??!?!?!!

Anywho, that's it for now..... sorry if' I've offended... it was not meant that way, it's just my opinion.

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