So I stumbled across this blog, it's in Norwegian, and it's about loosing the Norwegian mythical creatures such as the Trolls, Nymphs, Nisse, etc. I just thought the article was fantastic, and I do believe it is important for any culture to keep their mythology, their creatures, it's part of ones' culture, it's part of who we are. In fact, in many ways it is the essence of who and what we become.
Personally I've always had an overactive imagination, ever since I was a little girl, I would talk to little "mice" who lived in treeroots, fairies in the forrest behind my house, or in the rocks by the wayside. The flowers were as real and alive as I was, and the birds could talk if one only would listen.
The stories of Asbjørnsen and Moe, Elsa Bescow, Thorbjørn Egner and others were influencial in all this. Stories, where animals talk, stones and rocks are alive, even lakes and brooks aren't always what they seem, all this was grounds for a world around me that was both scary and facinating at the same time. Face it, who wouldn't be scared by this troll....

and I'd be willing to bet that anyone who grew up hearing stories about this guy would hurry home when the sun set, and look at the mountains to make sure you got to safety before he could get you and trap you in his cave for EVER...
I'm adding some other pictures to show and inspire anyone who wants to keep this tradition alive, and maybe find the inner troll or fairy in your life.
Help SAVE THE TROLLS by telling stories and make up creatures or just re-tell some you've heard!
Good luck!
This last picture is from Elsa Bescow.
Ååååh, nostalgi! Husker at jeg leste alle Elsa Beskow bøkene om og om igjenda jeg var liten. Trollene lever iallefall hjemme hos oss :)
I LOVE this Line~ After spending a month in Norway this year we have tried much harder to bring some of the *home~land* to the family every day! Thanks for the reminder AND for the pictures, They are great ones! I love the Faries and the mushroom rings too. ;)
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