Sunday, March 30, 2008

About blogging

So I've been thinking about a friends' negative opinions on blogging and stuff, and though it is hard for me, I will admit it got under my skin a little.... in truth I was a bit bothered by it..... I did try to see things from other perspectives and what I came to is this.... many blogs out there are purely sensational "journalism" they excist only to rant and rave, they are impersonal and have no character or warmth to them.
I understand that because of such bloggs, one can get uninterested and even a little harsh.

However, allow me to bring another view or side if you will into the equation. From someone who comes from a place of scrapbooking, keeping memories, sharing ones' life through pictures/writings/etc. the world of blogging has opened up a WHOLE new way of sharing and exercising ones' skills in writing and creating.

So here is what I am thinking, MY blog is like my scrapbook or my journal... except it is online, and I don't have to make lots of messes to share my life/interests/thoughts. (Like glue on me, my clothes, and everywhere else, paper clippings everywhere)

To me it is not an excuse to distance myself from friends and family, if anything it is the other way around where I feel a strong sense of responsibility to reach out, when I feel like crawling into my hole and withdraw from the world. It's almost therapeutic.

So, to my friends who are negatively inclined to the world of blogging, I have one plea... give me a chance to maybe change your view.... and let me share my life with you, unsensored, untouched and honest.


LeaAnne said...

I love bloging too! :) I feel like I am finally writing a little family history:) I LOVE your Blog!

Linemoren said...

Thanks for the kind words LeaAnne.... some days I feel like I'm not visited by anyone, and I am blogging for myself.... but then I get fun comments from wonderful friends (like you) and then it gets all better ;)

Anonymous said...

*applaus* Du har skjønt det!!! Hele poenget med en blogg er jo at man skal kunne skrive/uttrykke det man vil på akkurat den måten man vil!!! ;o)

Og sorry at jeg ikke skriver på engelsk...