Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Lesson # 735

Bethesda Fountain, Central Park
When one is 91, things can change rather rapidly. Which we have found out the past couple of days.... Miss B. is in the hospital, with heart problems, and I am learning just how precarious one's health can really be. Hopefully she will recover, and we can go home and resume our life, with a few small adjustments, such as getting weighed every day, and eating a bit healthier.. She will not like it, and I am sure we will have a rather heated discussion about it, but I am learning to stand my ground with her, so she'll just have to deal with it. I will be kind of course, but also feel the need to be a bit stern! Yeah, dealing with a 91 year old is not always so different as a 2 year old!!

I did get to experience the coolest thing the other day though, they wanted to check her heart, and I got to watch as she was given an echocardiogram. It was fascinating, I was amazed at the technology and the wonder and miracle of a working heart. Chalk it up to another one for a Divine Being imho. To see each heart beat, to hear the wheezing thumps, and watch as blood and oxygen flowed in and out of the chambers.... Unfortunately the doc was not impressed and is worried about the over-all health of the heart, but I thought it was super cool.


becca said...

Line, hope she is ok. i enjoy reading your blog.

Linemoren said...

Becca I'm so glad you're reading it!! LoL... some days I just don't know if anyone bothers with it at all!!! So thanks for your comment, now at least I know I have one reader... lol.... ;)