Thursday, April 5, 2012

for the love of..... Laundry...

*sigh*  I'd forgotten about NY laundry.... and the "JOY" that accompanies it.... (note the load of sarcasm dripping from the post title)

In my building we have a laundry room in the basement. It has three coin-operated washers and (three) dryers. The elevator does not go down there, and the stairwell down to it is infested with flies (eeeeww). Once down there, one is met with the smell of laundry soap, mixed with softener blended with dirty clothes. It's a very distinct smell, but fortunately one gets used to it fast, and it does not stick to the clothes (that I can tell anyway).

There are two laundry carts, one long'ish table and three chairs for us to use, and this might seem unnecessary but with a laundry room that caters to 56 apt. units I assure you it's hardly enough...(The Supers' apt. is also down here.) One of the things that annoy me the most is the "opening hours"... for 56 units, it's only "open" between the hours of 9am - 8pm... and not at all on Sundays. (However, I'm not sure how strict it is enforced, because I have observed people going down w/laundry baskets etc. later than 9pm...)

At any rate, it's enough to drive me a little crazy... almost... ALMOST so even the genius Joss Whedon can't help me... but only almost... ;)

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