Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Lesson # 217 from Miss B.

I am learning all kinds of interesting things working with/for Miss B.

Today I had a thought provoking "lesson" on growing old, and leaving people behind or being left behind...

The reason for this was a phone call for Miss B. by an old co worker, whom she hasn't seen or talked to for about 20 years. And it made me think about what it would be like to be 90 some-odd years, and have everyone in your life gone on.... Not sure how I would live if that was my lot in life. I would hope that I have interests and hobbies to keep me occupied, and friends and children of friends in my life, if not children and grand children of my own....

Watching Miss B. sit on the couch pretty much all day, not interested in music, movies, reading or even just talking to people via mail or the phone... She has me of course, at least four days of the week, and then the neighbors stop in every once a while, but often I look at her find myself contemplating what kind of life is she living...


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