Thursday, April 19, 2012

Just really like this picture, though it's a bit grainy...... :P


What I came across in Union Square today, it was pretty cool to have just the music group there, but I guess a class or group of dance students came by and joined in.... I chalk it up to the magic of The Big Apple   :)

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Lesson # 735

Bethesda Fountain, Central Park
When one is 91, things can change rather rapidly. Which we have found out the past couple of days.... Miss B. is in the hospital, with heart problems, and I am learning just how precarious one's health can really be. Hopefully she will recover, and we can go home and resume our life, with a few small adjustments, such as getting weighed every day, and eating a bit healthier.. She will not like it, and I am sure we will have a rather heated discussion about it, but I am learning to stand my ground with her, so she'll just have to deal with it. I will be kind of course, but also feel the need to be a bit stern! Yeah, dealing with a 91 year old is not always so different as a 2 year old!!

I did get to experience the coolest thing the other day though, they wanted to check her heart, and I got to watch as she was given an echocardiogram. It was fascinating, I was amazed at the technology and the wonder and miracle of a working heart. Chalk it up to another one for a Divine Being imho. To see each heart beat, to hear the wheezing thumps, and watch as blood and oxygen flowed in and out of the chambers.... Unfortunately the doc was not impressed and is worried about the over-all health of the heart, but I thought it was super cool.

DOCTOR WHO - Filmset

BBC Wales came to New York to film an episode of Doctor Who the second week in April (last week as of writing moment) and Alicia and I went to find them. I was able to get a great number of pictures and had oh so much fun watching them film. Luckily I also got to chat a wee bit with the actors on set, and they were all three super cool and gracious. The sets were mobbed by fans especially by the end of the week. I felt bad for the threesome, but mostly for poor Steven Moffat (Showrunner-Headwriter) who seemed so uncomfortable with all the attention.... (does he really not know how beloved this show is?)

 At any rate, it was one of the best experiences of my whole NYC life, I absolutely had such a blast, and look forward to see the episode. With regards for those who don't like spoilers, I will refrain from saying too much about the episode itself, except this, it will be a thrilling and emotional journey for sure!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Lesson # 217 from Miss B.

I am learning all kinds of interesting things working with/for Miss B.

Today I had a thought provoking "lesson" on growing old, and leaving people behind or being left behind...

The reason for this was a phone call for Miss B. by an old co worker, whom she hasn't seen or talked to for about 20 years. And it made me think about what it would be like to be 90 some-odd years, and have everyone in your life gone on.... Not sure how I would live if that was my lot in life. I would hope that I have interests and hobbies to keep me occupied, and friends and children of friends in my life, if not children and grand children of my own....

Watching Miss B. sit on the couch pretty much all day, not interested in music, movies, reading or even just talking to people via mail or the phone... She has me of course, at least four days of the week, and then the neighbors stop in every once a while, but often I look at her find myself contemplating what kind of life is she living...


Thursday, April 5, 2012

for the love of..... Laundry...

*sigh*  I'd forgotten about NY laundry.... and the "JOY" that accompanies it.... (note the load of sarcasm dripping from the post title)

In my building we have a laundry room in the basement. It has three coin-operated washers and (three) dryers. The elevator does not go down there, and the stairwell down to it is infested with flies (eeeeww). Once down there, one is met with the smell of laundry soap, mixed with softener blended with dirty clothes. It's a very distinct smell, but fortunately one gets used to it fast, and it does not stick to the clothes (that I can tell anyway).

There are two laundry carts, one long'ish table and three chairs for us to use, and this might seem unnecessary but with a laundry room that caters to 56 apt. units I assure you it's hardly enough...(The Supers' apt. is also down here.) One of the things that annoy me the most is the "opening hours"... for 56 units, it's only "open" between the hours of 9am - 8pm... and not at all on Sundays. (However, I'm not sure how strict it is enforced, because I have observed people going down w/laundry baskets etc. later than 9pm...)

At any rate, it's enough to drive me a little crazy... almost... ALMOST so even the genius Joss Whedon can't help me... but only almost... ;)

Spring has SPRUNG

Oh the loveliness of Spring.... These are some images I've taken the last week or so.. Around the city and around my house... Little snippets of beauty I pass every day that brighten my life a little.

This gorgeous tree looked like it had snowballs on it but it only lasted a week...
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MY own little garden of Eden.. :)

They're baaaaa aahck...

But in a really good way!!! :) I promise!

The Bird Cams are back on in SLC, and I caught the mom (I think) hanging out in the box this morning... preening, looking around and just in general chilling... so excited to start a new season of watching these gorgeous creatures. Hoping we get as many eggs as last year, and don't loose any!! Thanks be to Bob at for all the hard work he and his crew does! :)
Momma hopped around and kind of clucked a little... kind of like a chicken before laying eggs... 
while hopping and "clucking" she also fluffed her underwings a little..

..and she must have had some food delivered or hidden because she was eating something..

she sat on the edge for a loooong time, looking around, preening, even taking a nap, it was so cute...
here she's pulling on some food she had hidden behind the rock.. 

a catch-up post...

I've been really busy and that's my excuse... but my plan is too catch up on some things this Easter weekend... I do "work" Friday and Sunday, and that will involve Church going (Catholic not LDS), but I am sure I can find time to sneak some posts in between activities... That is my "goal" at least.

Other than that, NYC is great, my room-mate is fun, and though I miss friends and family I'm mostly happy. :)