Wednesday, July 20, 2011

bad habit

Just recently realized as I was reflecting on past conversation with friends, I've developed a nasty bad habit... I'm not proud of it, and I will attempt my best to change it. Knowing it is REALLY REALLY annoying..

So here it is: cutting people off when they talk, to insert my own thoughts, ideas, inputs, etc. and it's gotten really really bad... And I hereby apologize heartily and pledge to do better!!! I am but a product of my surroundings, but I will apply myself and do better from now on!!! 


Anette said...

Selvransakelse kan gjøre vondt, men det ender stort sett bra!

Lykke til i kampen!! *hehe*


Sarah said...

I do that too! I hate it (that I do it) and I've never noticed you doing it, just so you know. Feel better that you're not the only one!