Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Scrooge had a point.....

It is Christmas Eve 2008. I sit by myself, listening to Christmas music online, and feeling just a tad sentimental and Scrooge'ish. One thing I've come to accept is that Christmas is a time for family and loved ones, and if one can't have that, at least for me, it becomes a bit pointless... However, I repress my inner Scrooge, and go on, a little melancholy but not to the point of ruining it for others (I hope....)

A Life Lesson I am learning (over and over and over it seems) is that life is so many times better when it is shared. Life lived alone sucks, and no wonder Scrooge became the bitter nasty old bugger he was! However I am also taking lessons from another favorite "story", (thanks Jimmy Stewart!!) that of George Bailey. Before one sinks to deep in the woe of being alone, it is important to remember one is here for a reason and other peoples' lives would be dramatically changed if one wasn't around. AND it's important to help the angels get their wings! ; )

So for now, Happy Holidays!
Enjoy your loved ones while you can.
I know I will!


Shane said...


God Jul! I checked the blog tonight and thought I'd tell you we love you and think of you often. Wish we could make it out to NY to visit, but we'll just keep blogging and trying to keep in contact that way. It's been snowing in Portland, OR for weeks now and we have tons of snow which is really rare here. I've been working from home which is nice and also hard. Anyway, Merry Christmas, and keep on blogging cause we love reading about your experiences!

Shane & Jessica Malan

Villa Kveldsro said...

Jeg er enig, julen er ikke den samme uten dem man er glad i... Jeg har feiret jul uten min skjønne datter i år, og det hele virker nesten meningsløst. Jeg liker ikke å klage, for jeg er rikelig velsignet, men det å feire julen uten dem man er mest glad i er ikke så kjekt... Så jeg gleder meg til julen er over, og til livet kan fortsette som normalt igjen :)