Sunday, December 2, 2007

First Advent Sunday

Today is the first Advent Sunday. As December has been creeping closer, I've been thinking a lot of my memories of my childhood Christmases. The Advent celebrations were a big part of growing up, and I wonder if I can re-create anything so special to the children in my life. I hope I will, and certainly try to. It is a wonderful thing to have in my "attic", these precious memories that keep me warm as it grows colder outside. There were school plays, gift making in my homemaking and woodwork classes. Baking in the kitchens at home and at school. Secrecy, giggles, giddy anticipation, Christmas music everywhere, advent calendars, candles all over, the smell of glue; matchsticks; spices, and the smell of snow in the air. Wonderful foods, and drinks. And the rehearsals of the Nativity Play. All this and so much more..... I take out and cherish in this time of the year.

Another cherished tradition is the Lucia Fest. Vying for the role of St. Lucia and the honor that came with. The sweet rolls, the lights, the songs, the whole package. I love and miss so much.

December also holds a special place in my heart as I celebrate my "other" "birth"day...... On the twelfth of the month I will commemorate 14 years as a member of my church. How can I forget, and how can I best remember and honor the day that is so special to me. What am I doing to make this day special in my life, and do I honor it and it's meaning by my everyday actions.....

So may everyone have a wonderful season and may each year add equally wonderful memories for each and every one of us....


1 comment:

Matt said...

Gledelig jultid, min kjære søster! Bloggen din er jo flott og jeg se frem til å lese det som kommer. Gratulere med den upkommede "bursdagen" din. Jeg er kjempe velsignet til å kjenne deg. Kansje noen of oss med norske forbindelser burde fiere noen of disse store dagene i desember. Stor klem from den eldste of to norske Eldster.