Sunday, June 24, 2012


Kimchi Soup a traditional Korean dish Areum made!
I have got a new friend, she's from So. Korea and her name is Areum. We have a lot of fun, geeky interests in common, and so we get along great. In fact that's how we met!! At a fan-group meeting She used to live just a couple of blocks away from me here, but moved to Queens, to a cheaper area and we don't see each other very often any more. But now summer is here for real, we will have standing movie "dates" (aka. get togethers) in Bryant Park every Monday night...

They just released the list of movies they are showing (free on big outdoor screen in the park!!!) and we've got winners from beginning to end... well, nearly... they started off with Psycho, which is not a movie I personally enjoy, but all the others are fab!!!

Here's the list: 
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
The Wizard of Oz
On the Waterfront
Roman Holiday
The Maltese Falcon
Rebel without a Cause
The Adventures of Robin Hood
All about Eve
and finally the last movie of the season on Aug 20th is Raiders of the Lost Ark

There are also Lunch concerts in the same Park... with Broadway Actors and Stars appearing... and these are a few of the MANY reasons I love NY in the summer!!!!!


kimi + joe said...

I love outdoor movies in the summer. It seems like such an east coast thing. We haven't found anything like it here. Glad you've made a good friend with excellent good skills. Oh, and cute hair cut!

Diana Oaks said...

What fun. I know they've done movies at the Gallivan Center in past summers - I'll have to check out whether they're doing that this year.

Raiders of the Lost Ark is a personal favorite. It is the first movie Adam took me to when we first started dating!