Tuesday, June 5, 2012

life on the firescape

My little garden is growing, and if only the darn squirrels would leave it alone it would look even better...  Now I'm normally a fan of furry little balls of cuteness... but when they attach my plants at every chance they have, I get mighty peeved... so today I put out some ginger... according to the internet they don't like spicy stuff... so hopefully the ginger will help abate them!!!

I'm very satisfied with my little spot of green, the ONLY thing I feel missing is a little planter with roses, and one little pot of Lavender... For now though I'm excited for the seedlings to grow stronger and start to bloom. :)

This is where I go when I need some peace and quiet... I climb out my window, let the wind caress my face, the sun kiss my skin and the chatter of the birds envelope me in nature. My little eden...


Ann said...

Hi Hi Line,

Your "Edenette" garden/ balcony is absolutely perfect....definitely fun and therapeutic watching "good" plants grow. (now our profusion of weeds of course are not in that category!) Your figurative writing in English is remarkable....just love reading your delightful blog entries!

Wish you success with your job search and also try to keep cool! SLC is hitting triple digits this weekend....ugh. Really worry July and August will be blistering...thankfully humidity is low.

Happy green thumbing to my favorite NYC horticulturalist!

kimi + joe said...

Good job, you! I'm impressive how you fill your little space with such pretty plants.

Diana Oaks said...

You put me to shame. You have a tiny space that you've made bloom beautifully, and I have a whole yard that is currently a mess! I miss you.