Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Blow Bugle Blow.......

Today, as I was wandering around the city, I happened upon a lovely little church.
As I entered, I lit a candle..
when I turned, I realized where I was....
this little church is literally a mausoleum and a shrine to those who were involved in the search and rescue on that horrid day of September 11 2001.

I spent some time in this sacred place, learning more about all the volunteers, the police and firemen, the emergency crews, and those seeking for their loved ones...

It was an experience I will never forget. It was wonderful to sit there, to pray, to meditate to bond with those around me... that event came full circle for me here. How fitting that I should come upon it on the eve of this catastrophic incident.

I shed some tears, said some prayers, and as I left my heart was full. And yet in the graveyard behind the church, I was reminded of life's little ironies.... There on the grass, in between the old, worn out headstones, frolicked a little squirrel. Seeing this creature lifted my spirits, and I was thankful to the Lord for the reminder.... life goes on.

From the wonderful poet Khalil Gibran, I add my sentiments:

"And not unlike the mist have I been. In the stillness of the night I have walked in your streets, and my spirit has entered your houses, And your heart-beats were in my heart, and your breath was upon my face, and I knew you all. Ay, I knew your joy and your pain, and in your sleep your dreams were my dreams."

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