Monday, May 26, 2008

Great Joke I learned in church this past sunday....

A Frog walks into a bank. He goes up to the teller, who's name is Patricia Wack, and says he needs a loan. Patty looks at him and says, well we might help you with that, but we need a collateral and a reference from someone who knows you well.

"Okay" says the Frog, "my dad has been banking here for a long time, his name is Keith Richards and he is a Rock Star, so I am sure that's not going to be a problem, and for collateral, I have this.." He hands her a small, pink, porcelain elefant.

Ms. Wack looks at the frog, then thinking it's a joke she looks around, and tells him she has to talk to her manager. She takes the elefant and goes into the Bankmanagers' office.
She tells him "I've got a frog, claiming to be Keith Richards' son wanting a LOAN, and he wants to put THIS up for collateral...." she holds up the little pink elephant.... "What is this anyway??" she exclaims.

Her manager looks at her and says "It's a nick-nack Patty Wack, give the frog a loan, His old man's a Rolling Stone!"


Tamsin said...

Haha, I've been telling that joke for years! :)

Jennifer said...

cute joke!!

congrats again on things finally falling into place for you. i'm so happy!
love you!