General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Days Saints commenced this weekend. I had forgotten about the replacement of an apostle, so I was pleasantly surprised to read about the addition. I didn't see it happen, because I was out shopping Sat. Morning with a friend (Alicia), and in the afternoon I was babysitting Max. However, I was able to watch all of Sundays' Sessions... it's amazing how uplifting it was... like moisturizing-cream on dry skin... I felt a burden lifted and a brighter outlook on the future.
Saturday Evening, my friend Gayle had a few of us "gals" over for a movie night, we watched Twilight, eat yummy treats (among other things there were a plethora of fruits and veggies... yay) and just talked and hung out. It was nice to be doing something fun with adults for a change. And it was interesting to get others views on Twilight the movie vs. Twilight the book... A few of us had read the books AND seen the movie, one gal had seen the movie only, and two had not read or seen anything before. It was great to get their "side" and input.
One thing I am pondering these days are about the "what-if's" in life... "what if I didn't have a chemical imbalance", "what if I move", "what if the "right guy" isn't coming any time soon", "what if I could see the future road for me the next six months".... and along with the "what if's" come the "might have been"'s but hindsight is 20/20 and it does no good to wallow in the past...
Well, that's it for me tonight.
Thank you again Anette og Toril! Good to know someone's interested...
HUGS to all my PEEPS out there!
Hurra!!! Line har oppdatert bloggen!!! Nå var det like før jeg måtte sende ut en etterlysning på deg... *fnis*
Vi får satse på at du er "back for good" ;o)
:) yay a blog from Line!:) missed ya
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